
Please note that the use of forms on this page requires Microsoft Word or Adobe software

  • When choosing the MS Word icon, a template is filled out, saved locally, attached to an email, and emailed to the Assessment Services Division.

  • Email Assessor's Department

  • Choosing the Adobe (PDF) icon allows you to print forms to be filled in, and mailed to city assessors.

  • mail to:
    PO BOX 1130
    OSHKOSH, WI 54903-1130

    Change of Address      Check the box to tell whether the property is real estate or personal property.
    Please provide your name and phone number in case there are questions.
    Parcel/account number entries are helpful especially for multiple parcels or accounts.
    Fill in the location of the property and the old and new address information.

    Commercial Sales Questionnaire      This form assists in the analysis of commercial property sales. The information
    requested is confidential and used for the validation of commercial sales.

    New Business Property form      New businesses and new owners of existing businesses in the City of Oshkosh should complete this form.
    It allows the Assessment Services Division to enter your business information correctly onto the property roll
    and ensures any information mailed from the assessors office will go to the correct person at the correct address.

    Commercial Income & Expense form      This form is used when reviewing new properties or ones that have had a significant change
    since 2005. The three approaches to value properties are sales, cost and income. The information
    from this form will be used in the income approach and is confidential (not to be shared with others).